Wills and Estate Planning on the Sunshine Coast
Wills, powers-of-attorney, living wills, advanced directives, healthcare representation agreements, trusts…There’s a lot to consider when it comes to end-of-life planning! When you pass away you want to ensure your legacy and your life’s work is handled they way you want. On the other side, if you’re a trustee for a deceased loved one or someone who needs protection while they are alive, you want a sympathetic and knowledgeable advisor to guide you through your new role. We can help you get probate, track down beneficiaries and otherwise remove major pain points from your already overwhelming job.
There are numerous things to consider when considering wills, estate and end-of-life planning.
Having a legal will is the easiest and best place to start. Essentially, a will is a legal document that outlines everything you want done with everything you own, also known as your ‘estate’; the accumulation of your possessions and investments over your lifetime. In your will you’ll name executors (the person who you choose to help carry out the instructions indicated in your will) and beneficiaries (the individuals who will receive some portion of your estate). This simple document helps your family members avoid thousands of dollars in legal fees and months of court time.
We understand wills, estates, and any aspects related to end-of-life planning can be sensitive.
We’re here to walk through everything with you and speak candidly while getting to know you on a personal level. We won’t have the stereotypical lawyer-face on; we know there are many layers to planning your future and the future of your beneficiaries, and it isn’t all business, there’s emotion attached to these decisions.
We’re your partner in this.
We’re here to help you understand your options and create a two-way conversation to ensure you’re comfortable with your decisions.
And, if you’re administering someone’s estate after they’ve passed away, we can help ensure that your legal obligations are fulfilled and that the wishes of your loved one are respected, in a time that we know can be sensitive.
Services include:
- Help form your estate plan, including creating legal documents that form the foundation:
- Wills
- Power of Attorney
- Health Care Representation Agreements and Advanced Directives
- “Living Wills”
- Bare trusts and putting family members on title
- Ensuring your estate plan is tax efficient, including reviewing property titles and working with you to create a tailored plan that accounts for all your taxable assets
- Apply for probate so you can prove you, as the executor, have the final, legal will and begin settling the deceased’s affairs, and provide other legal support to executors